The story is set in a city named Ajmer in the state of Rajasthan, India and dates back to the year 1986. The story protagonist is a child named Gopal, who wanted to go out, make friends and play with others, just like any “normal” kid would do. Gopal locked in to a Chamber (Kothari) and did not let him any contact with the our side world.
Mr. Sagarmal Kaushik, the founder of RMKM observed the situation from a different lens. And the seed of idea of a special school resulted in foundation of Minu Manovikas Mandir led in the year 1988 in Ajmer.
The idea of a self owned vocational unit emerged as a source of providing sustainable employment to people with disabilities who completed their vocational training. The initiative could also help in employment the people of disabilities with behavioura problem who could not adjust in the regular workplace settings.
With this initiative, organization was able to success in its mission of fetching independence for the people with disabilities. The initiative also hit another chord in the society as people started to believe that people with disabilities have the potential, which if channelized in the right direction can do wonders. It became a platform for people with disabilities to show case their talent to the community which was earlier being suppressed due to the social stigma attached to disability.
We were one of the first organizations in the state to develop a social enterprise model that provider engaging and dignified ways for individuals with disabilities to increases, their financial freedom, self respect and independence and we have never wavered from that commitment.
Our People Principles
Board of Directors :
- Rakesh Kumar Kaushik
- Ramniwas Prajapat
- Kshama R. Kaushik
- Nemichand Vaishnav
- Anurga Saxena
- Laxman Singh Chouhan
- Shreya Sharma
- Karuna Sharma
- Jaan Mohammed
- Sanwara Singh
- Devkaran Kumawat
- Ghanshyam
- Jagdish Makhad
Our Staff Principles:
- Promote a culture of mutual RESPECT AND KINDNESS
- Hold People ABLE